

ABLkit is an efficient Python toolkit for Abductive Learning (ABL).

ABL is a novel paradigm that integrates machine learning and logical reasoning in a unified framework. It is suitable for tasks where both data and (logical) domain knowledge are available.


Key Features of ABLkit:

  • High Flexibility: Compatible with various machine learning modules and logical reasoning components.

  • Easy-to-Use Interface: Provide data, model, and knowledge, and get started with just a few lines of code.

  • Optimized Performance: Optimization for high performance and accelerated training speed.

ABLkit encapsulates advanced ABL techniques, providing users with an efficient and convenient toolkit to develop dual-driven ABL systems, which leverage the power of both data and knowledge.



Install from PyPI

The easiest way to install ABLkit is using pip:

pip install ablkit

Install from Source

Alternatively, to install from source code, sequentially run following commands in your terminal/command line.

git clone https://github.com/AbductiveLearning/ABLkit.git
cd ABLkit
pip install -v -e .

(Optional) Install SWI-Prolog

If the use of a Prolog-based knowledge base is necessary, the installation of SWI-Prolog is also required:

For Linux users:

sudo apt-get install swi-prolog

For Windows and Mac users, please refer to the SWI-Prolog Install Guide.


For more information about ABL, please refer to: Zhou, 2019 and Zhou and Huang, 2022.

    title     = {Abductive learning: towards bridging machine learning and logical reasoning},
    author    = {Zhou, Zhi-Hua},
    journal   = {Science China Information Sciences},
    volume    = {62},
    number    = {7},
    pages     = {76101},
    year      = {2019}

    title     = {Abductive Learning},
    author    = {Zhou, Zhi-Hua and Huang, Yu-Xuan},
    booktitle = {Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art},
    editor    = {Pascal Hitzler and Md. Kamruzzaman Sarker},
    publisher = {{IOS} Press},
    pages     = {353--369},
    address   = {Amsterdam},
    year      = {2022}
